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Manaan helpppppp

Killer Jawa

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You cant leave the sith base until you have done everything in it- find the selkath youth and find information about what the sith were doing with them off of a datapad in one of the rooms....then at your trial you tell them about what the sith were doing...they let you go

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well i tried that too the problem was those 2 droid things...they're friggin invincible... i can kill 1 but not 2. I have cat lady bastila and me in my party. i make me fight 1 and the other 2 fight the other one. They usually end up one half dead and one 4 hp left till they do some attack that does 60 attack after they stun me with a flamethrower...they're not cool

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Lightsabers are not good effective against driods . thats y its always good the have at least one of your jedis to have destroy driod power. I would also switch weapons to ion blasters plus the ion granades do alot of damage. there is a way around them but i would kill em just for the exp points. the previous post was right about the trial

Just tell em they wanted to recruit u and then turned on u when u declined.

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