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So I am going to be making some models in GMAX...

Cloud Leonhart

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I dont know if theyll come out anywhere near pretty, but I want to at least give it a shot. Which is why I am here. If I finish a model, I want to know if there is anyone here willing to import into there 3dsMAX and make it into a .glm file. I dont know how much work goes into that, but I would just like to knoqw if anyone would be willing to do this when the time comes(a long time from now) Cause in that case, I will be more inspired to actually finish something. If you think someone might be interested as long as I finish something nice, then thats another thing Id like to know if no one will commit now. Finally, can you skin something in GMAX? Cause if I cant then Ill have to find a skinner or make my skin in paint, and you all know how that would turn out:) Anyhow, any support would be nice, thank you. BTW, I did read other GMAX threads here, but none really pertained to what I was doing here, so if I made a mistake posting this, please, be kind :)

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