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Is the Demo really that bad?

Guest Paladin

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Originally posted by Paladin

I thought it was going to have great graphics. Just a demo tho...

Not a finished product yet...


It sure as hell better not be the finished product. Did you see how the rebel troopers walked in the SP mission? And the rebel scouts move weird. They move a little, then stop, turn, move a little, stop, turn, and so on....


I was highly dissapointed by the graphics, the only thing I liked about the graphics were the sith temple and the animals and some of the troops.


On the other hand though, the gameplay is great. The story in SP sucks, but MP is fun!

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Originally posted by xwing guy

In the SP misson where you control Vader what do you do?

You have to find the rebel base. Vader doesn't do anything but whip out his lightsaber once in a while. He's sorta slow, and the only force power he has is convert from AoE's monks...

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