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So What's everyone think of the new patch?


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I dunno bout you, but I've been hearing a lot of complaining about it, I know some of my stuff got nerfed pretty bad. Example: My vibroknuckler used to do a maximum of 219, before the patch, now its down to 119, i payed a good 12k credit for that thing too! So instead of doing a max of almost 500 with berserk, i do almost 200, and I dunno bout everyone, but that BLOWS!


Throw in your comments on the new patch!


*also I've heard from a friend that CH got nerfed pretty bad too, she wouldn't explain how, she was to angry to talk

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For the moment, at least, it seems to be the melee people that are suffering the most. Hope that gets sorted out soon...


CH? Not bothered. Way overpowered anyway... here are the notes from CH...


Creature Handler


Non-creature handlers will not gain creaturehandler xp now.

You must have at least a 15% chance of taming a creature to get the taming menu option


Reduced regen stats of baby creatures and pets.


Baby creatures will not attempt to follow each other


Pet control devices cannot be transferred to someone who is at their max-count for number of stored pets


Creature handlers will be able to transfer pets to non-creatureHandlers. The non-creature handlers will not be able to train the pet new commands, but they will be able to store them, call them, and issue any commands that the pet already knows. Note, only certain types of creatures, all fairly low level, can be controlled by a non-creature handler.


Pets can now attack creature lairs.


Fixed scaling bug with tamable creatures which resulted in too-small or too-large baby variants.


Pets will never be "death-blowed", but instead will suffer a reduction in max Health, Action and Mind in cases where they would have been death-blowed.


Creature handlers will not be able to 'call' pets that they would have no chance of taming


Fixed an issue with pets wandering around aimlessly in the midst of combat


Fixed an issue with pets bolting to the location they were called during/after combat


Removed the requirement for a creature handler to be within 30 meters of his pet in order to gain xp.


Added a system message explaining why transfering a pet fails


Just a quick question really, since I never wanted be a CH... whats so bad about all this?

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I wouldnt say nerfed, i would say balanced. I know a lot of melee guys (mostly unarmed) that were just leveling too fast and were doing too much power. Also, the CH got balanced more too, Rancor pets were nto suppose to be that easy to tame. Thank the lord they balanced it some more. Im surprised you just heard about all of these changes. They have been public for weeks now on the official SWG forums (i.e not these forums). In fact you could have even tried them out on the Test Center server if you wanted to.

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i spent a good portion of the night reading posts about being CH, since just last night i fiinally was able to achieve it. lemme tell ya, nothin but a bunch of whiners over there.


since this current character of mine is strictly solo, i havent yet (and i got the game only 3 days after release) gotten bounty hunter. I dont group with this guy and therefore dont have access to the SICK amounts of XP without dozens of hours of play. (i average four hrs a night and maybe 18 on the weekends. )


So i thought a pet would be nice. I mean, I have seen people with ranocrs for weeks. i have sat on the sidelines and watched people send off 3 and 4 creatures, gee, again, all rancors, after some poor llittle bantha and get ***ed up xp for it. I didnt think it was very fair.


So screw these whiny little shmoes, do some of your own killing for a change. Just because you have 16 hours a day to play in the middle of summer and I have a a full time professional job, thesse little losers get to be elite elite in just a couple weeks. ***k em. let em keep workin for their credits.

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Yes Matsui, they are whiners, and they drive me nuts. Do you want to knwo where these changes are coming form? The players! Yes, guys like me that forwarded the devs an idea for how to eliminate the 3 rancors issue, which even being a CH angered me to no end. The devs actually used a very similar system to what I proposed.....very interesting.


My only real issues with the patch:

1) WHen grouping with creatures, sometimes they don't give XP now.

Seriously, BFD, don't group.


2) BE Crafting XP got nerfed.

Wasn't it slow enough already. Now I don't even get XP when I craft a creature...period. Just what I get for the DNA template.


BTW, the idea I proposed was a creature sloit system where rancors and kimos would take up 3 slots, brackasets would take up two and gurrcats would take up one. So, as you can see, quite similar indeed. Whether it was actually my idea they used or not, I'll never know, but it still feels cool.

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Don't know if anyone else noticed but after I got the patch and started playing there seems to be more aggresive creatures, meaning they show up red on my radar and most of them attack on sight. I have been slain twice since the patch came out and I am master marksman. It's hard to even get to missions which now pay about half what they did before the patch. Anyone else notice these things?

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Originally posted by Deft Aklin

Try the Explorer missions. You can't beat the pay on some of these. 9k for violent Krahbu? Are they kidding? I'll do that in my sleep.


Where do I get those? From npc? I used to get missions for over 2000 credits now im lucky to get one for 1000.

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i like the idea of the "explorer missions", must kill blah blah blah, but this no money stuff makes it really hard. used to change weapons every couple of missions cause i could affort it. no i will have to resort to selling more stuff i pick up, good thing i dont need to make many more traps or camps. the soloist is getting waylaid just a little. i mean, it's nothing that can't be dealt with, and therefore big deal, but i was nearly ready to buy my house. i may just build it myself. wonder what this will do to the economy overall.


i always thought the economy was overheated anyway, i mean, why would anyone pay 5 credits a hide? btw, buy from my on intrepid, i never charge more than .75 a unit ;-)

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I only got to test the new patch for such a limited time yesterday. Some of the things I notice right way is awesome like the Character Screen (Ctl C) now shows your Faction Standing (You are Rebel in Covert Standing).

The one main thing that makes me mad is when I was reading all the changes to all the professions and was scrolling down the list of stuff to all the many professions and NOTHING for Commando. What the hell, Commando is in the worst shape of all. They need to fix that profession over any other one. Come on SOE those poor Commandos and us soon to be Commandos are treated like a 2nd or 3rd professions. I want to be a Full time Commando and enjoy all the weapons and proper Experience for using the weapons. Also there is no resources ever in the game to make any of the Heavy Weapons. I hope you can fix some of these problems soon. Not just Creature Handlers, Combat Medics, Entertainers, Amorsmith, and a few other ones when Commando can’t even use the Acid Rifle or get HW EXP from then Flame Thrower that only hits the target like 20% of the time and only does minimal damage. I see you are making all these important changes to classes that are already kicking butt but nothing for the classes that are BROKEN.

I glad CH are less powerful because they do seem to have too much of an upper edge. I do not want to be one and I was really considering it because I was getting tired of seeing a CH just stand there and let there Dam Pets do all the work and they seemed to heal so fast and never die or get incaped.


But anyway with that said, I Love the game and enjoy to its almost full extent. I just wish I had more time to play. But everything else with the patch seems Great. Even the graphics seem sharper and game feels smoother. Good job SOE.

This is my thinking and it could be wrong….LOL

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I agree with the brawler and CH nerfs, cause they were just too powerful. I like the addition of the new mission terminals i made 7k sacking 45 womp rats last night, not bad cause i needed their hides anyway. But my only complaint, and i wonder if anyone else experienced this, was that when you follow in a group your character will run a little to the left or right of the person you're following, which means you get stuck on every damn rock and structure out there, which renders the follow function useless cause you have to control your movements anyway. Anyone else experience this?


P.S. I also couldn't access my already initialized and placed vendor, because it said it wasn't initialized. (but i think thats more of a bug then a content issue)

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Action Costs for special moves insane across the board for all fighting classes(pistols, carbines, TK). Three times as many MoB's I encountered yesterday hit more of the time for Action HAM then before, effectivly eliminating the use of special moves from combat for the soloist/small group with no healer. Most mobs on Naboo and Dantooine now seem to have leveled above Exploration4, making all the effort I put into it pointless unless I enjoy teasing and then running from Blue level MoB's. I enjoyed that for about 12 minutes before I realized that the NPC's don't really care if you tease them or not. They put all that code into housing(we all know how that went) and could not find a way to allow owners the ability to let other people drop/pick up items in houses? I finished of the Emporeres retreat quests, with Vader, as well yesterday. No badge or even a nifty robe or helmet that I saw that everyone now that completes it seems to gets along the way. Glad I did all that hard work leading up to Vader last week to end up with nothing. I grouped and disbanded to teach someone and then there HAM bar would not leave my screen after I tried to dispband. I am also a Novice CH by chance from mastering scout, but I could not Call my Desert Womp rat or my Dewback because the data pad insisted I had a creature called out at the moment, even though it was very clear that I did not, as it might have attacked the 3 blue level MOBS's that aggro'd me and thus killing me because I used a few Pistol moves that ate my entire Action HAM bar. Maybe NPC's do care if you tease them and this is all part of the patch that upgraded NPC's, and this is all there way of teasing and laughing at me? I think all the changes they made are extrodinary. I love the fact that i put 7 weeks of time into SWG, then realize that this time was actually Beta 3. And now I get to learn how to play the game all over again. I'm glad that the Devs' felt it necessary to put the hammer down on all of us regular players to punish the small percentage of exploiters out there. Becuase none of these changes effect the exploiters that are Max Master levels anyways! Only the honest and average player has had there game comepletey raped. Brilliant I say. Are they sure these changes went throught the test center?



1.5 blocks from Master Smuggler,

7 blocks down the street from Master Pistoleer.

I got Novice CH and Novice TK in the back seat too.

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as a novice pistoleer (don't have melee defense 1 yet), i didn't notice any profession-specific issues, really. but, i haven't had the rank long enough to notice i guess.


what i did notice was the explorer missions are extremely...well, if not bugged, then just definitely strange.


i took one (available from an explorer terminal, usually next to the mission terminals, in case you're wondering), just to see what it was. i was surprised at the big payout (over 6k), so i looked at the details.


it sounded simple enough. kill 30 banthas. sure, that in itself would take me awhile, but i wanted the scout experience, and the hides might sell well, so i figured what the heck? i accepted the mission, and my datapad was updated...but with what?


it's like the waypoint isn't a waypoint at all. for one thing, it was over 5km from the terminal where i got the mission. i had the option of either running there, or taking a shuttle to a closer city. for another, you can't activate the waypoint. it's kind of there, but not there. i decided to make the run, but after i got killed by some sneaky desert assassin, i cloned in the city that happened to be close to where i REMEMBERED my waypoint being. but it was gone. it was still in my datapad, and i could review the details, but it no longer showed up on my global map. there's no way to activate the waypoint on your datapad.



i didn't have time to play detective, and try to figure out what happened to it, or somehow figure out where it was on my own, so i just aborted the mission and logged off.


it's not a HUGE pain or a gamebreaking bug for me, but it was just weird and a little annoying. i've heard from other players that their explorer missions specified certain creatures that were more than a little difficult to find. for instance, requiring you to kill 45 corellian butterfly workers, when every one of those little buggers you see is a drone, or an angry warrior.


i don't expect explorer missions to drop me a waypoing on top of a lair that i just go clean out, like a destroy mission. but still, i'd just like the waypoint to give me a general idea of where to hunt, and i'd like the waypoint to be something i can activate after i get killed or disconnected.


i really like the idea of these missions, and the payout is just an added bonus. if the game could more reliably point us to where higher level, non-newb mobs are, i think that'd help a lot of scouts out. i'm at explorer 4 and working on hunting 4, so i can add novice CH to my novice pistoleer. i get tired of picking off rills, sevortts, gorgs, etc.


also, i noticed there were new variants on some old creatures. those kreetles i used to step on for fun, they now have some kind of super kreetle that often shows up with them. i can still take it out, i just wasn't expecting it. same goes for some of the other low-level mobs. i think it's kinda neat, but i wish i'd known. i ran into the middle of a bunch of kreetles because i'm accustomed to not bypassing them, and this big sucker jumped me from out of nowhere.


another patch-related issue i noticed is the user-interface became a little difficult to read. i changed the colors on it, trying to fix it, but it only helped a little. especially items i have equipped on my hot-buttons, i can barely make out what they are now, because instead of the old green background on them, it's like almost black now.


but, mostly, just minor stuff...i still love the game. can't wait till this weekend when i can get more playing time in.

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well I was guessing that by reading around but thanks for actually confirming it for me. I just hope I can get to these area without being killed by all the stupid high level creatures they have put out there. I agree it may have been a little too easy but now it is way too hard. As others are saying it seems they are trying to weed out people who don't group. Which is fine with me I am now in a PA but I'm sure I will still want/need to solo sometimes and now it is virtually impossible.

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I did notice less lag in the heaviest of populated areas, but haven't made it back to Lagstine...err Bestine yet. Lots of new drops and items of value seem to be dropping more often as well. I got a flame thrower of an RSF agent and some nice new enhancer type items from Reble Soldiers last night as well.

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good feedback, CH I was never really interested in, I know I'm striving for TK, and the vibroknuckler really helped, and now I'm not qualified to use it. Oh well, thats how things go I suppose, what would really be nice is to have some sort of way to tell you WHEN you do qualify to use certain items. I don't want my 12k spent for a VK to go towrads nothing.

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i haven't read all these posts(to much to read for me:D )so if this subject has already popped up then exuse me.



ok first off HOW IN THE WORLD ARE CH'S SUPPOSED TO GET XP???????????????????????:confused: :confused:



they nerfed the babies,they made the creatures do HIGH DAMAGED ATTACKS.......so what the heck are CH's supposed to do????


I admit that they where to POWERFUL at first.....an example


1)Low level CH's can use Rancors


but now there is no way i can figure out how to get XP except get killed trying to kill a Low level creature that i could normaly take down,its impossible....also what are the CH's supposed to train i have found only 1 baby playing for about 2 hours today.




i also admit that Brawlers do to much damage(i am not a brawler)but i have seen a Brawler do about 1K damage on an animal before.




how are we supposed to kill lets say a Bantha any more?I use to beable to take them out with my Dewback(still was kinda hard)and they nerfed us more now I don't think i will ever beable to kill one again




well there goes the game......



There is no more point in the game except if your a crafter of some sort,that will not have to have bone and hide

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i'm a brawler and i'll tell you, I don't do that much damage right at the moment, only bout max 200. You rifle people have a HUGE advantage over us. I've seen my roomate take out 4 tusken raiders, simply by standing at a distance, popping a "head" shot, and than peacing his way out of it. He continues this cycle and gets xp.


I've also seen the infamous trap a creature behind a wall and pop on it till its dead, a bug or just a easy trick, either way its a gameplay advantage that I agree people SHOULD do. Yea it's cheap but think about it, people like me who play the game for fun, when we can take something down at a low level,

man I have a blast, that small feeling of power I get, and knowing it may be a once in a lifetime thing, man its a rush.


So what can we brawlers do? Not to much, we actually have to get up next to the beast and get the **** kicked out of us. I took down some difficulty reds today, but that is only because I have a master medic/doctor healing me every couple of seconds.


So brawlers are too powerful? No way...


in a duel, a ranged person aiming for the head, and or just keeps running (without the aid of terrain negotiation) we're screwed.


My $.02

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I played for a long time last night and it seemed to be more balanced. I saw some reds. Some I killed and some I just ran away:) I had to be careful where I was going but it was possible to go explore at least. Didn't they release another patch yesterday. Sure seemed different last night than it was the night before.

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