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SWG Policy on Silly Names?


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I just found out that my copy of SWG arrived in the country today, so I should be playing withing a week (yay!). However, I've been thinking about what my character's name is going to be, and despite earlier protestations I think it's going to be of the silly variety.


No, it's not going to be offensive, or a blatant attempt of stealing a character from the movies/books, just your run of the mill slightly humourous name. I know this angers the RPers out there - but hey, I figure they can just ignore me if they want to.


My dilemma is, what is SoE's policy on this? I mean, is it okay as long as no-one finds it offensive or if people complain could my character get deleted?

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If it sounds like a name, then I'm guessing most people will let it go. :)

If it doesn't then expect that many will report the name and you may end up needing to change it. :)


The policy for names, as far as I know, are still the same as if the name filter was working properly.

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I have a silly name I guess and I walked around with it for a month, constantly getting tells from people saying that they were going to report me for ruining their RP experience. Finally, 2 nights ago I am on Dath and a CSR comes in game and lets me know that my name is a violation of the naming policy. I told him that I just wanted to change my name and not have my character deleted. He asked if I had any structures, I let him know that I did. If he would have changed my name, I would have lost my house and everything in it. I have time now to get to Tat and clean out my house, then I am going to send him a tell to go ahead and change my name. I am picking out my new name, so it is not that bad. I just can't comprehend having enough time to play this game and be concerned about other player characters' names. I am sure getting 'reported' enough brought this on. My name is not offensive, I just used an actors name. You might want to send a ticket to customer service about changing your name just to make sure you don't get deleted.

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