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GTKradiant questions...


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I just switched over to GTK radiant and I'm observing some strange things...



For one, in the camera view, brushes tend to disappear! I'll be working doing my thing, and all of a sudden brushwork disappears, which appears to be at random moments. However, you can still shift-click on a brush even though it is not seen in the camera view. Is this a setting I messed up or a bug?


Also, in JK2Radiant you can highlight mutlipe patches and curves and move them as a group. I try doing that now and it stretches them. Can I change this setting as well?



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I guess the feature you are describing is called "Cubic clipping". It draws only brushes that are near camera. It was available in JK2Radiant too and makes editing less choppy when turned on.


Edit -> Cubic clipping (CTRL + X) if I remember right...

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it's not cc he is having problems with... If the brush is glass, trigger, clip or anything else transparant/not vissable in-game, than radiant does not draw it.



click on the inside then drag it. so if it's a bevel u would click on the the caved in part. like the inside of the letter C.

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Yepp, clip brushes are filtered out by default. You can enable them in View \ Filters menu.


The other ones Lil Killa mentioned (glass, trigger, etc.) are invisible. Who knows why? :) You can use Textures \ Flush/Reload shaders to make them show up.


I also had problems with moving multiple selected patches. So I don't know the solution. If you have a brush selected too, and you grab that brush then you can move the patches without problem. This is not a solution just a workaround.

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