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Suggestion: Furniture that have storage space


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Hi there,


First time posting here. I just wanted to mention an idea

that had popped into my head the other night (before all the

house limit problems, actually).


I was looking around at all the great clothing and stuff I had

bought but it bugged me to no end to have it either sitting

on the floor or hovering in the air near my wall in my house

or in packs or satchels. Some of it, like an intricate gown, cost alot of money. I thought 'you know, I'd sure like something like a dresser or a wardrobe or cabinet that I could put things in'.


I realise this may not be possible to do, but I know nothing

about the design limits of SWG.


Just wondering what you guys think?


Also, we can sit on chairs...why can't we lie down on beds?


Nyctasia Ravenwood

Master Medic

Keren, Naboo on Radiant.

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Ok, first of all, I don't get to do this so often these days, so I better take the opportunities when they arise.



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Secondly, that would be cool.

I don't see any reason why that couldn't be incorporated into the game really. :)

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