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Sorry As much as I like most of you on this forum, I am saying farewell, I can't see another post about the same exact this that is posted 4 links below. Whatever the reason the people who come to this forum as N00bs ask the same exact thing everyday and it gets annoying, maybe that is why the posting is bascially by the same people over and over and over again rather then new people. I work Customer service for a living and it seems the intelligence level and laziness ever year get to a new low..



take care

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So true, So true.

Many times now in the resent times where SR have been unfriendly or just plain out of line with me or I have seen done to others. I know the customer can be a complete jerk or moron but its still the SR's job to help the best they can in a FRIENDLY Manor.

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I work customer service as well. The issue isn't the employee ALL of the time. Sometimes, a GREAT employee just gets worn down by all of the negativity.


I must agree with Plague on this, it does seem that I am answering the same questions over and over again. We have a wealth of knowledge here, and great research skills to boot. So please, ask the tough questions, we love finding the answers.

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yeah i know we see the same questions over and over. like probably a lot of people, i totally ignored the sticky post that said something like 'read this first'...maybe the moderator should make a more obvious link to the FAQ, which seems to get updated pretty regularly. a lot of the stuff that gets asked here could easily be found there, and they even have it broken down by combat, crafting, etc.


even so, isn't there an old saying that there are no stupid questions? :)


i wouldn't want to scare off new or inexperienced players by berating them for asking questions WE'VE seen a dozen times. to us they're annoyingly repetitive, but to the person asking the question, our response could be considered a little harsh.


personally, i dont mind answering the same question over and over, if it helps someone out and makes them more able to enjoy the game as much as i do.


just my 2 cents...

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take a breath now.


lemme tell ya why people are disenchanted being CSR's or helpdesk analysts::


people suck ass.


NO one pays attention. NO one gives people the simple courtesy of actually explaining a situation. NO one actually remembers an error or does what theyre told when theyre told. they jump around screens, they click any damn thing they want to, they have no concept of why, how, and to what an extent a computer works.


if you meet someone on the street they might be friendly or they might ignore you. you get them on the phone, and because of the safety of geographic distance, and they turn into royal pr*cks.


lemme tell ya bout consumers and people who need to call tech support: they have never had their expectations managed. they demand things before they are ready and then have no concept of why it's not performing as desired. and as to desired, they usually dont know what they want to begin with, or are expecting so much they have no choice but to be dissappointed.


three years i have been in phone tech support. three years i have taken calls from mindless twits. three years i have tried, desperately, to explain the differences between storage and memory, video cards and monitors, dial up and LAN. three years and no one is any smarter. how can you NOT be disenchanted with that?


i love computing....it's what keeps me in money and therefore my games. i love working on machines, testing them, and making sure other people can do their jobs.

so look at this: somone comes to you already with an attitude, regardless of the reason, and you are required to ignore that attitude completely and just help them, and as a result that attititude gets worse. what happens to your attitude?


I'll tell you.


If you have a lick of professionalism, you let them rant and when they finally run out of steam, actually help them. there's a lot of consumers out there with very peculiar ideas about their own importance. somewhere along the line they were told "the customer is always right" lemme rephrase that for the more practical people in the world: the customer is always a jerk.


you try talking to anywhere between 40 and 100 people a day and see how you come off. people will piss you off faster than you can believe, and you'll suddenly start treating people a little better.


so. we have a buggy product because people wouldnt stop asking when it would come, why it wasnt here already , then whine when it doesnt work.


if you have party guests are you gonna take the food out of the oven ahead of time just because the whine? and wonder why they got food poisoning?


so just play the damn game and stop whining

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