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Any tips for a new Creature Handler


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Hi im a new novice Creature Handler, if any of you have any tips for me to progress quicker, or be better at the chosen path it will be much appreciated. Any thing little will go along way.


Many thanks


Tage (bloodfin)


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Originally posted by Duffalpha

Now that the patch is out CH novice is a B**ch to lvl from because you can only use pets that ur able to tame and that you have the lvl to control, now you cant really kickass with a graul or a gurrek until u have taming IV.


Which is the way it should be since they are level 50 creatures.....



Now opinions aside, my best advice would be to tame-train-release. As a novice you can only have two pets stored at one time, so tame the smallest creature [even a gnort lol] and train him some stuff, then you can release them [or destroy] and keep doing the same thing over and over again.


As far as skills go, just concentrate on Creature Taming and Training. The higher skill you have in those areas the higher level of pet you can control. If you're not a master scout, find someone who is and ask them what challenge level a particular pet is.


I'm a level 2 ch and I've got some very nice pets, so don't feel like you have to get to level 4 to have anything good. I'm almost to management 3 and I'll soon be able to have two pets out at the same time.


I hope this has helped. :)

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