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A contrast to the negetives

Guest PaladinsSceptre

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Guest PaladinsSceptre

OK, the positives


there is ALOT of varitey unit wise and they make cool realistic sounds.


About 4 different resources to get, and r2d2 can even go fishing in the lake.


Its got builder cues w/ the shift button thats neat just like in AOE


We only saw up to tech 3 and theres alot of blank squares left for more units and probably some for modders


umm, hang on theres got to be some other stuff ....


cool music when you are not in game


oh ya, and formations for all units


what other positives can people think of?

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Guest PaladinsSceptre

i dont think that you can, but i didnt try either, but it was annoying because when the fighting began, keeping up with the farm wasnt all that big a priority when it should have been

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Guest PaladinsSceptre

I think that if you click on all of your unit buildings using shift, and then go click a common point of ground they will all go use that same rally point. Thats cool neat cuz i dont like doing each building one at a time, and you wont forget what the other rally points where at specifically

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Guest JFRocker

Hey Everyone, I just signed up. After weeks of coming here, I knew I had to get involved in the best forum on the net!...anyway..yes you can que farms. Believe me, I was just as happy as the rest of you when I found out. :p

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Guest Yossarian

Yes you can queue farms. Just go to the food processing building and click the farm icon multiple times. Shift click to get 5 at a time.


One thing that sucks is it seems like workers don't automatically start gathering once a resouce building is made. That was a major convenience in Conquerors.

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Guest Yossarian
Originally posted by jigga

yes they do start gathering after you build a resource building


Ah you are correct, the minimal gathering animation had me fooled into thinking they were just standing around :)

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