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Round 2 - Eldritch (Eldritch) vs. rgoer (rgoer the unlikely pugelist)


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rgoer the unlikely pugelist tried to use his fists. Luck was with him, and he dealt Eldritch 5 points of damage.
rgoer the unlikely pugelist blasts:

Oh, come on. They work for all those hong-kong guys in the movies.

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rgoer the unlikely pugelist used his Cat's Claws, but failed to do any damage to Eldritch. Eldritch begins to taunt rgoer the unlikely pugelist! rgoer the unlikely pugelist's anger grows by 14.
rgoer the unlikely pugelist jabs:

This is so lame--I liked the points thing better ;^)

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rgoer the unlikely pugelist used his Cat's Claws to deal 4 points of damage. Eldritch tried to dodge, but was not successful.
rgoer the unlikely pugelist shouts:

I'm letting you know that I am mad. We'll see what that entails, I guess.

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