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Just for fun...and money :D - JediKnight_114 (JediKnight_114) vs. jediduo (Jediduo, a simple monk)


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JediKnight_114 used his Broadsword, but failed to do any damage to Jediduo, a simple monk. Jediduo, a simple monk begins to taunt JediKnight_114! JediKnight_114's anger grows by 13.
JediKnight_114 shouts:

Well, since I'm a goner anyway, I'll try the sword again. Maybe I'll actually see what kind of damage it does

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Jediduo, a simple monk tried to use his fists. Luck was with him, and he dealt JediKnight_114 5 points of damage.
Jediduo, a simple monk blasts:

I'm afraid of what happens when your anger hits max... Oh well. *goes in swinging* Always was a glutton for punishment...

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Jediduo, a simple monk tried to use his fists. Luck was with him, and he dealt JediKnight_114 5 points of damage.
Jediduo, a simple monk blasts:

Not tonight... Gotta get some sleep. Maybe tomorrow night. I'll challenge you, how's that? *checks life meter* Ouch, dude, that hurt...

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JediKnight_114 used his Broadsword, but failed to do any damage to Jediduo, a simple monk. Jediduo, a simple monk begins to taunt JediKnight_114! JediKnight_114's anger grows by 11.
JediKnight_114 jabs:

Friggin sword finally worked a little. Yeah, definately challenge me. I'm always up for a battle. you can instant message me at jediknight_114@hotmail.com

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Jediduo, a simple monk tried to use his fists. Luck was with him, and he dealt JediKnight_114 5 points of damage.
Jediduo, a simple monk jabs:

Cool. I'm on MSN Messenger as stormharrier17@hotmail.com. My title is import car PHREAK.

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