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Your going the wrong way!!!


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Ok, i downloaded a prefab, instead of using md3s. I made them static brushes, and did all the normal stuff. I put the ref_tag above the prefab. But the prefab goes forward, instead of up...





camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ MOVE, $tag( "cam", ORIGIN)$, 0 );

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cam", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0 );


affect ( "tie", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )



task ( "move" )


move ( $tag( "flyup", ORIGIN)$, 3000.000 );



do ( "move" );



wait ( 1000.000 );




thats the script. Pls help... ive had the problem before, and i did something, and then it worked... but, i dont know what i did, except add sound :confused:


Thanks a lot in advanced.

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I suppose, based on your somewhat vague explanation, that you inserted the prefab into your map. Then you turned the whole prefab to a func_static. Did you remember to insert an origin brush? It's most of the time convenient to make the origin brush the same size as a ref_taq is, for obvious reasons.


The origin brush is just a piece of brush covered entirely with system/origin shader. Now, you gotta also remember the origin brush just must be a part of a func_static, but it doesn't even need to be inside the brushes physically. Check the location of you origin brush. With the move command you used, the origin brush will move to the site of the target ref_taq, and the rest of the func_static will move accordingly.

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