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I think the idea of kids is getting better and better as time goes by, it makes a perfect storyline :) I know it's really really cheesy but think, a pirates child being kidnapped in the hope that LeChuck can bring it up as some undead evil ghost thing. Guybrush has to save the day, etc... If it was back in the SMI, MI2 days it would be good. Can you image that in SMI Graphics. Anyway, enough about that!


Other than that, no, I wouldn't like kids and I think Ron would be the best name but it would probably be called Guybrush Junior or just Junior.

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spoil sports. I've never liked the idea myself until now a tiny tiny bit. I'd find it a bit funny anyway. Try to think of the good things, the funny things a baby can bring - even to Monkey Island.


PS: I probably would like no baby in MI5, just saying if there was, it wouldn't be really bad

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