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All the grenades, computer spikes, adreanal stimulants & security spikes you want


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You may have already figured this out, but while on the Ebon Hawk, if you repeatedly ask Mission for security spikes then Candouras for stimulants then the Droid for computer spikes then the Zaalbar for grenades they will keep givng them to you until they say you have enough....nows the cool part. Go to the supply room on the Ebon Hawk open one of the supply drums, click X to put stuff in the drum, put all your grenades, computer spikes, security spikes and stimulants in the supply drum then go back to all the characters and start asking for more. They will again oblige and fill up your inventory with all the items mentioned before. Go to the supply drum and repeat putting all the goods in it then back to the characters for more again. You can do this a limited number of times but once you have exhausted the supplies they will give you go to your supply drum take it all out and voila you have a hefty amount of goods. Do this right at Dantoine it starts you off with a good inventory to continue the game.

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