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To feel the music.


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Well, all I can say is the MI music is definately atmospheric. It adds a sort of piratish reality to it. I mean, you wouldn't really be able to get into the frame of mind for playing it for hours on end if the music wasn't anything special. It gives the game an extra buzz and sort of keeps you excited.


Slightly off track here but still on the same lines, music basically changes everything! For example: for those of you who have been unlucky enough to watch 'The Shining' will know how thought-provoking and emotionally disturbing it is. But if you think about it, it would've been half as scary if that creepy music hadn't been there. Imagine is there had been Monkey Island steel drums instead. It would've been a happy clappy sort of film!!


I've noticed that film makers use music to their advantage to get the emotions that they are aiming for out of their audience. Take 'Titanic' for instance. They used 'My heart will go on' as the music for most of the sad bits and that song makes me cry every time! It's just so horrible how it all happens and the music just makes you feel so sad and so sorry for Jack and Rose etc.


So, back to MI. I believe the music plays a huge role in the whole state of the game. The game wouldn't be as exciting if the exciting muic wasn't on, LeChuck would be that less threatening if it was 'Bob the Builder' not weird cool scary music. And so you see, the music plays a massive part. If there was no music, there would be no emotion. And here I conclude with the following sentance: "Look behind you, a three-headed monkey!" *yoink*

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One of the reasons I don't just like, but love Monkey Island games, is the music. It just multiplies the atmosphere by ten sometimes. Monkey Island 2 especially I think is an example of perfect use of game music to heighten atmosphere and drama. Some of the location and character themes are just so distinctive and suit their subjects down to the ground. Pieces like the murky deep tones of LeChuck's fortress, the lively yet somehow menacing Largo theme.


There's little incidental cues that merge into familiar themes, like when you find Wally missing, or escaping from the acid trap, that are just so well-developed.


You can see this kind of excellent use of music in most LucasArts games, like Day Of The Tentacle and Indiana Jones FOA. They have some memorable music. But I think the MI games are a notch above, probably because the musicians had more freedom in that world.


One question: I've never had the CD (MI2 interface) version of SoMI, does it have more music than the earlier ones with about 10 MIDI tunes?

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my fondest memories are of the music... it starts with that sweet sweet melody, but it keeps it varied through out the game yet always sticking to that familliar theme. The merge into the LeChuck theme when he finally reveals himself, the thumping of the beats to the melody, and the crash of the symbols... 100% pure, unadulterated majic:p

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Hey guys!!


I am new here and i thought what a better topic to be my first reply on this board!


I have always loved Monkey Island...The game that I have played the most is MI2 which for me besides the games (which is AMAZING!!) it has the better music ever made for a pc game!


I just love it! It brings me so good memories and it creates a great atmosphere to play the game!


See ya around!

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