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Tell Me This Is Fair....


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I love the game and play it everyday since I first bought it, but some things have really gotten to me..


1. Ever notice that when you approach an enemy for attack, you pull out your weapon and sneak up.. say there's a wall or mountain between you.. you walk up slowly ready for attack; all the sudden you feel bullets and shots hitting you! from where?? going through the freaking wall, mountain, or whatever would be in the way. I find it extrememly unfair that the bots on SWG and animals are allowed to roam as if all structures and landscape are completely hallow.. yet we as players can't shoot anythign if we can't see them. This happened in the caves near the Jedi ruins.. I saw the creeatures down below in plain site. I started to fire.. They start to spit crap, and even through I back away like 10 feet.. it was still hitting me.


2. How about getting incapped by a creature who's 20' away? That's common.


3. What's with not being able to wear all the armor at one time. I get injured, go see a medic and they say "Take your armor off" I tell them no, because once I do, for some lame reason, I can't put it back on. "YOu do not have enough health to wear this armor" it says. BS.. So I dropped my armor and am wearing the most common clothing line for males.. the duster.


The main thing here is making the game where the enemy cannot shoot through walls.. it's ridiclously unfair. Fix it Sony..



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