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Jedi Knight: Anime Academy

Leo Soontar

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Oh, i'd bet my life that some sword related mods would come out during JA's lifespan, but seriously well done Anime mods im not to sure about : ). Ive yet to see to many other things aside from BFP for Quake 3. But im sure we'll see a lot of skins, models, and weapons.

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Thats ok. I have some experience modeling, and I am sure to get more during my "career". =) Also, I am a college student, so I will have PLENTY of time for fun and games. College students don't actually GO to class, we just download our papers online and hand them in. We don't need to pay attention, all of the notes are on the teachers web page anyway, so why even go to college? Do college online!


(That was MAJOR sarcasm right there, except for the online college thing. online college can be a great supplement to your exhisting courses, and you choose when you want to attend class, to a degree.)


later all.

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Blademaster: Not intending to start anything even remotely offensive... If everyone had the exact same taste... we'd all be wearing yellow (and that's a scary idea mind you).


And before you start calling people idiots... I'd just like to point out that i've seen many of your threads and for most of them I found those questions totally pointless... but that's just me.


No please live with the fact that tastes come in all shapes and sizes... and as stated above... we got tons of SW related mods out there... a few non SW wouldn't really hurt.


Believe me when I say I wouldn't loose any sleeping hours if no Anime mod was ever made... but if it's good...heck I would surelly give it a try.


Some mods are that good and have nothing to do with the original game... I've heard of people buying UT2k3 for the SW mod.


The Gladiators (not sure if it's this name) TC had great reviews by Raven's Staff themselves.


I know there are alot of Anime fans out there... so the mod has all the potential to find it's players... those who are not interested.. no one is forcing you to get it.



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Originally posted by BloodRiot

Blademaster: Not intending to start anything even remotely offensive... If everyone had the exact same taste... we'd all be wearing yellow (and that's a scary idea mind you).


And before you start calling people idiots... I'd just like to point out that i've seen many of your threads and for most of them I found those questions totally pointless... but that's just me.


No please live with the fact that tastes come in all shapes and sizes... and as stated above... we got tons of SW related mods out there... a few non SW wouldn't really hurt.


Believe me when I say I wouldn't loose any sleeping hours if no Anime mod was ever made... but if it's good...heck I would surelly give it a try.


Some mods are that good and have nothing to do with the original game... I've heard of people buying UT2k3 for the SW mod.


The Gladiators (not sure if it's this name) TC had great reviews by Raven's Staff themselves.


I know there are alot of Anime fans out there... so the mod has all the potential to find it's players... those who are not interested.. no one is forcing you to get it.




Thank you. :D


And to G-Omega, you rock! It looks like a pretty serious, elaborate mod. Hope it'll be easy for those devs to convert what they're working on to the JA engine.

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