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Personal Information

  • Biography
    Hmm, well, to start off with I am an egotistical self-hating narcissist who just needs to be loved. I love Star Wars ever since I was a wee little kid who could only say "Mumma" and "The Force Will Be With You, Always,"
  • Location
    New South Wales, Australia.
  • Interests
    Playing my guitar is my one true passion. Next comes writing stories. I like to walk, especially by myself. I like to go out with mates, have a good time, and not remember half of it. Star Wars, as noted above. Oh, and being awesome.
  • Occupation
    Vegetarian Vampires Anonymous
  • Current Game
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Kotor II
  • Resolution
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Newbie (1/14)



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  1. Thanks mon. :D His name is Daniel Joseph, pulling from both mine and my wife's grandfathers.


    And thanks for the good luck. He's not too loud yet, lets us know when he's gone without too much fuss, it's just when we actually change him he gets upset. We are happy, though, that he's a healthy boy. He was about 6 weeks early, was a little jaundicey, and wouldn't eat right right away. BUT, 2 days in a baby tanning booth cleared up the jaundice, and by the time he was out of that he's eating like a champ.


    I might even get some piccies uploaded to show off. :p:D

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