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  • Biography
    Hmm, well, to start off with I am an egotistical self-hating narcissist who just needs to be loved. I love Star Wars ever since I was a wee little kid who could only say "Mumma" and "The Force Will Be With You, Always,"
  • Location
    New South Wales, Australia.
  • Interests
    Playing my guitar is my one true passion. Next comes writing stories. I like to walk, especially by myself. I like to go out with mates, have a good time, and not remember half of it. Star Wars, as noted above. Oh, and being awesome.
  • Occupation
    Vegetarian Vampires Anonymous
  • Current Game
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Kotor II
  • Resolution
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  1. Don't worry, take your time. ;)


    I know what you mean. I always use pencil and paper first, cause I just write better that way, but I'm the slowest typer ever. For TFP I have the next 6 chapters done but just don't have the time to type...oh well. Maybe I'll try short stories, that way when I run outta ideas I can just wrap it up. :xp:


    Yeah, Burnseyy and DY keep me going on our thing but as for my own fic...nobody to crack the whip (in a good way, you know?


    Still, you are doing multiple fics at once, I really don't know how you do it. How do you do it? I mean you get chapters out pretty fast.



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