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  • Biography
    Pathological hater of the present human condition (We could be SO MUCH more than we are if we would just dare to think outside of the box that the education/religion system put us in!)
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  • Interests
    Reading, hiking, computer gaming (obviously), building things, working on cars, LEGO & LEGO CAD, Web surfing, driving women crazy (Hey, they did it to me for years, now it's my turn!), making war on conformity, religious/scientific philosophy
  • Occupation
  • Current Game
    Mowing down neos with my M60
  • Web Browser
    Mozilla Firefox
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    KotOR 2
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  1. Uhh, yeah, I know the Jennifer hale Bastilla is supposedly based upon. I seen it, the pics and I have to call foul. Upper lip botox. I have seen similar pics of the same person with a 'deflated' upper lip.


    (I can be such a jackass, no?)


    Ok, I see the natural beauty part. I guess I am not picky about body type. I seem to get the attractions of the slightly fuller muscular types... without the ripped buff definition (Well, I do wish they would at least bother with the midsection--I don't mind it ripped and cut, however if they have a nice butt, I'm good with that).


    Know yer weapons eh? I'm into all kinds of that. You also a swordsman?

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