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  • Biography
    Pathological hater of the present human condition (We could be SO MUCH more than we are if we would just dare to think outside of the box that the education/religion system put us in!)
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    Reading, hiking, computer gaming (obviously), building things, working on cars, LEGO & LEGO CAD, Web surfing, driving women crazy (Hey, they did it to me for years, now it's my turn!), making war on conformity, religious/scientific philosophy
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  • Current Game
    Mowing down neos with my M60
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    Mozilla Firefox
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    KotOR 2
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  1. Hey peeked in at that presidential thread again. JTH called Ron Paul a racist :lol:...there's only 3 sources for this criticism:

    1) 1964, he didn't agree with USING PUBLIC MONEY for the ceremony to recognize Maya Angelou. "Public money" part gets left out. Gee wonder why. :rolleyes:

    2) Newsletters. Even should RP critics show something specific (which most don't) fact of the matter is he didn't write it nor check over it--a crime just about every public figure is guilty of. As a fringe candidate you have to appeal to fringe voters to get as much recognition as possible which unfortunately includes people with prejudiced biases. Maybe someone should bring up Rev. Wright again?

    3) If Paul was racist then maybe someone should inform that top dog of NAACP who has been his friend for, what ~30 years? I seriously doubt the guy is that naive, but I suppose stranger things have happened. If true that isn't a mistake, it's a faux pas.

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