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Bee Hoon

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  • Biography
    Some things are meant to be light; like flowers.
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    Med student= mad student
  • Web Browser
    Mozilla Firefox
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Knights of the Old Republic II:The Sith Lords
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  1. Wll, there are a few rabid squirrels, but luckily these squirrels don't come out that often this time of year. Yes, rabid squirrels surprisingly exist in places like Paris, and closer to me over here, Los Angeles, the squirrels are evil there. If there is a squirrel in a trash can at UCLA college, avoid the trash can, lest the evil squirrel protects its meal...scary...:D


    Yeah, I could commission my dog in such a task, good idea, much easier then having to lay in wait with a horribly inaccurate weapon... :D


    So, have you been Guilin many times? That place sounds like a good place to visit, hmm, maybe a future goal for me.


    So, the Military Police are a bit too proud to admit their foot in mouth condition? Oy, well, that must be interesting seeing them do stuff like that. Do the MP's have a large presence over there? Much like the police over here, or more so? Anything really new or newish besides the holiday going on?

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