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Bee Hoon

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  • Biography
    Some things are meant to be light; like flowers.
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    Med student= mad student
  • Web Browser
    Mozilla Firefox
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Knights of the Old Republic II:The Sith Lords
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  1. The movie was excellent through and through. I really liked how the characters just seemed so human, and very cute, too:D I couldn't stop laughing whenever Mei would just suddenly face-plant, sometimes several times. It'd be like "Wait for m-" faceplant in the cement. It could've been pretty painful, but it was pretty funny:D I couldn't help but cry too when they cried, for the same reason, too!:D Totoro was awesome indeed!!


    I thought the little top he would fly on was really cool, it was random, but AWESOME!:D The Cat Bus too! Really enjoyed the flying cat, and when it smiled, oh boy, it was cool!


    *Gives in to Bee's Angel Smile*


    Okay, fine, a Cat Bus it is:D

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