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Bee Hoon

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  • Biography
    Some things are meant to be light; like flowers.
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Med student= mad student
  • Web Browser
    Mozilla Firefox
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Knights of the Old Republic II:The Sith Lords
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Newbie (1/14)



Single Status Update

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  1. My plans for Christmas?

    Well, I know that I'm going to be hanging out with my family celebrating Christmas this year. It's always so much fun when everyone's around in the same house. That, and we're planning to get together with the rest of my extended family.


    Sometime I need to just film the gatherings, I'd probably have a wonderful comedy on my hands:D There is always some sot of singing and funny dancing{we're a very big, Philipino family, so we have a lot of fun doing dances that are really really hard. It takes place where we have two people hold two sticks, and they clap them together in a certain rythm, and then another family member is meant to jump, in rythm, through the sticks, without getting their feet caught. I've been tripped a number of times:D it's all been great fun}

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