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Bee Hoon

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    Some things are meant to be light; like flowers.
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    Med student= mad student
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    Mozilla Firefox
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Knights of the Old Republic II:The Sith Lords
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  1. So, I imagine that Children like trees that are cherry and willow?:D Hee hee, I shall read them:D Enid Blyton as well, her books looked quite interesting...that almost makes me think of the classic "Winnie the Pooh," series..:D


    I'm not exactly sure which books we had to read excerpts from...but it was either,"South of the Border, West of the Sun," or something else....I forget{I feel horrible about forgetting right now:(} But I read an excerpt from one of those books!! It was awhile back, but now, I think I'll just read an entire book:D


    You'll watch it one day? You sure, Bee, I know you pretty well and....ahem, in order to prevent the inevitable...I will say...WATCH THE MOVIE, BEE. :D


    Ahh, so he was one of the people that enjoyed the glory and struggle of the fight! Hurrah!! We need more of those people in martial arts...from a sparring person's point-of-view, the aggressive people provide the most competition in the fight...at least in martial arts:D

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