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Bee Hoon

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  • Biography
    Some things are meant to be light; like flowers.
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Med student= mad student
  • Web Browser
    Mozilla Firefox
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Knights of the Old Republic II:The Sith Lords
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Newbie (1/14)



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  1. In Sydney? Wow! That must be quite interesting being in Australia, have you seen the iconic Opera House yet?


    So, you're not much of the singer either? Me too, that is something I choose to do only at certain times, it's an effective weapon:D But come come, you cannot be THAT horrible. I've heard some pretty nasty singing, delt some of it too....but that's a different matter:D


    By Bus and train? Well, that is definately a good way to do it, no trouble there, well, if you avoid getting p-owneded by a bus. That would be most unfortunate, STAY SAFE, BEE!! Look both ways!:D


    So, recent events, did you recently move to Sydney?:D

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