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Bee Hoon

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  • Biography
    Some things are meant to be light; like flowers.
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  • Occupation
    Med student= mad student
  • Web Browser
    Mozilla Firefox
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Knights of the Old Republic II:The Sith Lords
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  1. Here in America, mostly the small town airports can be stuffy, but luckily the larger ones, like Los Angeles, Sacramento, and whole number of huge cities, they have very airy and large airports. I rather like them, though I sometimes get a little nervous at customs. There's just something about being checked to see if you have any weapons or bombs, I mean, what if they arrest you and you haven't done anything,


    "You, come with us." "NO! I haven't done anything!"


    Yeah. That's my fear of security and customs:D I watched too many movies:)


    Anyway...there's cheap flights to Japan?! Take the opportunity, Bee!!:D Employ the evil master plan!!!:D Go visit!:D{well, that's up to you:) }

    I started saving to visit Japan a bit ago, I'm thinking perhaps next year I will visit {or at least sometime in the future:D}, but I don't know, goals change, {though I'm pretty determined to go there somehow:) }

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