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Bee Hoon

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    Some things are meant to be light; like flowers.
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    Med student= mad student
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    Mozilla Firefox
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Knights of the Old Republic II:The Sith Lords
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  1. Yeah, it's indeed saddening:(, I guess the only thing to do is for the doc to try his/her best, and to do everything in their ability to help...it's extremely rough, I imagine.


    Heheh:lol: The 3-year-old pointed the finger of guilt upon his mother!! Shame for eating his lollis!!:D Heh, that must've been extremely cute to see:D


    That reminds me of when I was maybe 6 or 7, my 4 year old cousin came over to visit. We had a grand time playing all day:D But then at dinnertime, we all sat down around the table, and I began to go on a historical rant on Adolf Hitler and WW2 {Yes, I was probably a strange child, that's what I get for reading too many history books at a young age:D}


    Well, anyway, I was talking to my cousin, saying, "Hitler was evil evil. Do you know what he did?"


    My cousin grabbed a muffin from his plate and looked at it, and responded to me saying..


    "You like muffin? I like muffin."



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