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Darth Avlectus

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  • Biography
    Sometimes late at night I stop to think and forget to start again
  • Location
    My pervert mansion
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Grizzled toilet destroyer.
  • Current Game
    A dirty old man.
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    Whatever I damn well plz
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  1. yo gta. i wonder... do you know much about the marvel universe? (your avatar and message seems to be what a marvel fan would use)


    i have a question i'll ask anyway: The punisher is a dark badass "hero". He'll blow a bad guy's head to bits even if they plead for their lives. (somewhat refreshing... compared to the Dark Knight knowahtahmean?). My question is this: how do the other marvel heroes tolerate his presence? I remember reading a comic a long time ago in which some people where impersonating spiderman and killing people with wrist guns where spidey's web shooter would be. IIRC a whole bunch of th other superheroes were on his tail. I think he was thinking something like "...and who can blame them? they think ive gone rogue...".


    if they reacted like that, how come they don't go punish the punisher?

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