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Status Updates posted by Trex

  1. @ Sith Holocron


    Not quite yet. I've been prioritizing getting HK and Bastila sorted first, I will get around to Revan soon through!




    Hmm. Playing through the scene from an earlier save might solve the problem. It sounds like the exit node isn't spawning. Also try picking slightly different conversation options if you can.




    I think I've secured my HK. Woo-hoo!


    In the words of yourself, MORE TO COME...



  2. @Fair Strides


    As far as modding goes, my Kotor stuff hasn't really progressed recently. Just waiting for the last small set of voice actors to get back to me.


    Apart from that I've been working on a Skyrim mod and my own unity3d game. Was considering making a thread about the latter somewhere.




    I'll be playing with them soon (hopefully). I want to redo some of them when I have the last batch of voice actors sorted.

  3. @MrObiWan


    Hasn't been too much progress recently, but I have no work next week so I should be able to make a push.




    I'm actually English, but thank you! :)

  4. 6 endings all together (the one I know works and the five I should have finished tomorrow)


    It's 3 good endings and 3 bad or evil endings. Basically, I've taken inspiration from Mass Effect 2 and made it so there's different endings depending on who survives. There's one where everybody lives, but it's hard to get. The dark side endings change depending on whether you want to destroy the galaxy or rule it.


    Hey, Logan, did you manage to get the dialog text to change colour after my message? It works for mine, but it's really dark for some reason.

  5. Actually, forget that. The dialog colour only seems to be affected by the tga file. There's a gui file named dialog_p, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.


    I therefore deduce/assume that there must be a file I don't know about which controls the other half of the colour. I don't think it's a gui file as I've been through them all (unless I missed one).

  6. Actually, Sith Holocron has directed me toward a mod which I might be able to use instead of redoing the m478 textures. I'm looking into it now.


    So it may be best just to put your retexturing on hold until I find out about that.

  7. Found it! :D


    The dialog colours are controlled by a texture file. It's The top texture pack in KotorTool (swpc_tex_gui.erf) and it's called "fnt_d16x16b.tpc".


    There's other files next to it with similar names, so I suspect the file used may change depending on the players screen res. I'm using the game at 1600x1200, so the 10x10 ones may get used if the res is lower.

  8. Hey.


    I think I'm going to have a binge on the menus on Sunday. I have my new laptop and I'll be at my parent's house for several hours without much else to do.


    I also need to read through all the companion dialogs as well.

  9. Hi Logan. :)

    Enjoying reading how ROR is going, although the thread is getting rather large now, isn't it?

  10. Hi Logan.


    I know it's about a bajillion years since you asked, but are you still after that model?

  11. I can officially play form beginning to end with TJM! Woo-hoo!


    Only a handful of modules to finish to have the other five endings ready.

  12. I have a load of gui files in a folder on my desktop, although I don't remember where i extracted them from.


    Do you have "dialog_p.gui"? It looks like it might be the most obvious one to affect dialog colour.


    The only one I clearly remmber changing is the main menu.


    BTW, what colour were you thinking of mainly having everything? It would be cool if our mods had different colour schemes.

  13. I started on it when I made this thread here ages ago : http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=207046&highlight=vector


    If you want to have a play around with it, maybe that'll help.


    But, yeah. If I have the time and get it right, I'll do a more complete tutorial.

  14. I tried raring & zipping the files, but the only one it made a real difference with was the override download (about halfed it). The movies download hardly compredded at all as it's only thirty big video files.


    The movies isn't strictly needed, but obviously it means no movies will be playing in the game, and you might get occasionally confused over what's happeneing.


    Trex. :)

  15. I'm afraid the only difference I could see is a white background to the dialog options when it was the PC's turn to talk.


    I've already done some extensive edits of my own version of the files you sent me, but I was never able to get any extensive results. The best I could do was get the dialog text a very dark red, which was difficult to read.

  16. I'm good.


    As far as TJM goes, I'm nearly finished my last freeroaming planet. As soon as I'm finished that, it's just a case of reworking the linear final levels and then I should be done. I might actually be finished and ready for voice actors by the end of feb.


    Apart from that, I've put together a website and I've been listening to a lot of rammstein.

  17. It's pretty good right now. I'm trying to finish up all of my custom modules, which'll hopefully be done by the end of next week.


    The main problem I'm having right now is getting irregular shaped walkmeshes to function.

  18. My penultimate voice actor is sending her stuff now(ish), hopefully the last one will be sorted soon after.


    After that, I have to make the credits movie, then check for bugs.


    So, still not sure how long it will all be, but there can only be a finite amount of things left to do!

  19. No release date yet.


    Don't worry. When there is one I'll be yelling it from the rooftops. :)

  20. Not too much that's new I'm afraid, Logan.


    All my woman are now fully voiced, which is nice, and hopefully it won't take too long to get the rest sorted.

  21. Read your comments about making it clearer how to find the droids. I think I'll take your advice and give HK a little more exposition in the final release.


    If your still having trouble and want to know where the droids are. the wiki can help : http://the-jedi-masters.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Quest

  22. Sorry to everyone for the late replies.


    Logan, I seem to remember having similar problems and I don't think I ever worked out the exact settings. I just ended up converting everything to mp3 and it worked fine.


    Shebal33, if your still waiting for the reply, there's a full walkthrough on the site you downloaded the mod from. There should be a link of the main TJM page.

  23. Sort of.


    I mainly reused existing modules and some of quanon's, as opposed to creating entirely new ones, but they are there. I didn't manage Kashyyyk though. I kept the same premise, but set that one on a czerka space station instead.

  24. Started beta testing a few months ago. Two main people volunteered and did a good job of getting info back to me (also a couple I never heard from after sending the files).


    One even played through all the way and managed to get to the end, although he had to change a few warpscripts etc. But in principle, the whole thing is playable from start to finish, so that makes me happy. :)

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