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  • Biography
    Programmer, web designer, retired modder
  • Location
    Liverpool, UK
  • Occupation
    BSc Biochemistry Student
  • Current Game
    No time for games, sadly
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  1. hahaha crazy nights ey? :-p

    I'm sort of passed that stage :lol:

    It's been awhile since I went out on a long night of drinking, after work I just feel to lazy to do a damn :lol:


    No worries about the mod stuff, honestly I haven't done much either. Darth Stoney was to help me out on Scrapyard; but I haven't heard from him in a long while :-S

    Aqualaris, I'm not sure what I've done with all my stuff... A I wasn't finished with a lot of stuff. God... 3D sucks up lots of time. Plus Kaurora doesn't work properly either on my WIN7 64bitsss. I need to run a VM with XP to get BIN files. Hardly improving my workflow... And I am just lazy :lol:


    And my crazy Warhammer painting figurines hobby has blown out of proportions lately!

    Anyway, I'm still in for some crazy nights modding ^_^

    T'was always a blast to do some 3D modelling while you're online aswell, chit chatt'n and all that :-p

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