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Status Updates posted by DarthJacen

  1. Yes, you'll be singing about gay cakes that are melting in the rain

  2. Just, be glad I don't have you singing Do Re Me!

  3. Yes! Is it working? Are you calling the asylum?

  4. Oh, that's a new mod for SWG. Here's the video.

  5. It's the word here's

  6. It's that time, again, here's you're new song!

  7. It's from the original request thread.

  8. You mean this list: Now as for a list of the important mandlorians in K1 that need their own set of armor, read the following and add to it if I am off:


    Bendak Starkiller on Taris (This guy needs his own recolored Jango Fett armor, and if you get the WOTOR mod he gets a westar pistol as well)

    Canderous Ordo, on Taris, and your party member (I actually already took care of this with Furio's Jango Fett armor, but the helmet is way too big to be comfortable)

    Sherruk on Dantooine

    Jagi on Manaan and Tatooine

    Ergeron on Manaan (named Mandalorian Mercenary in the Manaan Cantina)

    The mandalorian commander on Kashyyyk (not named)

    The mandalorian commander on Rataka (or the Unknown Planet)


    That's six that I know of that need special armors, which is about the same number in the TSL Movie Mandalorians mod by Alpha 77 (avatar on filefront).

  9. Yeah, good night! D-backs beat Kansas City, today, so I need to not jinx it by staying up.

  10. That's right vendors are .utm files and they are relatively easy to write. You, just, have to remember to uncheck it before you change the line.

  11. I plan to use the armor descriptions I wrote for the previous uti files, though, and maybe spice up the stats, too. That way it'll be more of a challenge to kill them.

  12. Heh, I'll remember than and if worse comes to worse. I'll add the helmet to the vendor myself, so you can just use the armor model. I actually do know how to do that because it's another utm file.

  13. Yeah, that would be great, then we wouldn't have to worry

  14. Yeah, then I can rename is g_a_class9009 with the uti file to make it actually replace it, but you'll have to put the helmet on the Dantooine vendor, too, or we could attach it, but the head won't move.

  15. You shouldn't have a problem checking your textures ingame, either, this time. You already have the mod, I think.

  16. Cool! I put this up in the discussion so we can let everyone else know what's going on

  17. Yeah, maybe, but I think the lehon and Kashyyyk commanders made sure it happened, since they didn't even know the war was over they were so deep under cover.

  18. He already made the uti files. So, I just have to customize them to each character. We could have this done by the end of the month if we move.

  19. Seikan already gave us permission to use them, then, I can add them to the utc files. We shouldn't have problems this time with the model.

  20. Yes, but after desaturation we still have to make it look shiny. Just think about their boot camp chores. Polishing armor would be one of those.

  21. I think the model could work for Ergeron (Jango Fett), Sherruk, Canderous, Bendak, Jagi, Cannon-fodder. Anyone not needing extra transportation. I'd, certainly wear this in battle. I was thinking we could reskin that armor and use it as the basic armor, and then add add a jet packed version, too

  22. I think Mirta Gev's male armor model is perfect for our mod here.

  23. Hahaha, yes, exactly

  24. Yep, just, watch you'll be singing it in front of strange people and get such looks.

  25. But, the song is catchy

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