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Status Updates posted by DarthJacen

  1. I thought, it was actually the Backstreet Boys making fun of themselves until I saw the credits.

  2. Hehehe, I know, it's probably the best parody that Wierd Al'Yankovic ever made.

  3. You haven't even heard the song, yet.

  4. Which Backstreet Boy is Gay? Another pointless song this will get in your head, enjoy.
  5. don't worry about it.

  6. Cool, you can do that for anything, combat, quests, planet wide shouts, but I never understood why you would want to hear someone in Mos Espa while you walk around in Eisley.

  7. Not that I know of, why? They only show up in normal chat. I always have to switch from group or guild chat to read them. But, you can get group and guild chat messages in normal chat.

  8. That would be headline news!

  9. That's a very nice thread

  10. Yeah, you're welcome

  11. Good luck trying to sleep tonight. "I don't think, I can take it 'cause it took so long to bake it, and I'll never have the recipe again! Oh no!" Hahaha

  12. Just wait, you'll be singing until your head explodes.

  13. It's okay listen to

    song, then. The lyrics are funny!
  14. I was trying to make you laugh. I think, it's a terrible avatar because Boba Fett is way too small.

  15. Yeah, maybe the one ma ping, has.

  16. Thank you! It looks good!

  17. Duxn, would work, near the waterfall. I haven't a clue, but I resubmitted it. I submitted it back on the 8th, when everyone decided to go on vacation except Marius.

  18. Wa, I was right, they rejected my blades mods. I had to resubmit.

  19. Okay, I uploaded both files with successes. I hope, you enjoy the return of the saber blades mods.

  20. Thank you, I'll reupload them

  21. Oh! Okay, well, Seikan is on the project, now so, he can help us with this.

  22. Okay, I'll talk to you later, then.

  23. Shem? May I ask what the status is of my two saber blade mods? I uploaded them back on June 8th, and I was kind of hoping that you would review them since you made your own saber blades mods for both kotors the and JK series games

  24. You should check out the new developments going on in TeamFett! We, now, have Seikan on the team, woohoo!

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