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    East Coast
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    Future Game Designer
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    Revenge of Revan
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Kotor1, Kotor2
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  1. yeah, I just wish that people could down load it :( but FileFront seems to have bugs. It isn't too much, just something to put out there. Of course, I had to make it more difficult than it needed to be, so I added some unique skins for most of them.


    Say, I looked at most of your Corellia screen shots, and they looked good to me. I still haven't played all the way through TSL yet (I decided to wait for TSLRP first :(), so I haven't been able to compare them to thier originals (Nar Shadaa right?). Once I learn a little more about how modules are skinned, I'll be better able to suggest improvements, tho I doubt they really need it since you're doing a good job on them already.


    Of course, I'll have to unpack my house first, before I can get to the computer.

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