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    East Coast
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    Future Game Designer
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    Revenge of Revan
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Kotor1, Kotor2
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  1. you can add the update files (changes.ini & mdl & mdx) to the tslpatchdata directory that came in the first large 7zip package. You will have to overwrite any files already in the directory. Then run the patcher (it will install the 2da, mdl, mdx, txi, uti, files). Then extract all tga files into the override directory. Then extract the update tga files in (and overwrite the old ones).


    Basically, the update files are just replacements for the those particular files (10 or so), but can't be installed on their own with out the original package.


    In the future, that's probably what I'll do. I think it is easier to e-mail a few replacement files, rather than try to repackage the whole thing every time. Eventually though, after I've added all the utc files to the patcher data, I'll repack everything with the newest files, for the dev team.

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