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  • Location
    East Coast
  • Occupation
    Future Game Designer
  • Current Game
    Revenge of Revan
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Kotor1, Kotor2
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  1. I have some hopefully great news :)


    A friend I work with has an actual recording studio setup with professional quality microphone and equipment in his basement, and he is willing to do sound engineering for me as I record the tracks. I worked with him for several hours Sunday, and he seemed very pleased with my work and I should hopefully be hearing his engineered tracks soon. One main benefit of this is that his microphone can capture the VOs at high volume without distorting the way my cheap headset does. The tracks may still not be *perfect*, but if all goes well, I am confident they will be awesome :)


    As soon as I get some of the tracks from him, I will zip them up and send to you for more testing.

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