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  • Location
    East Coast
  • Occupation
    Future Game Designer
  • Current Game
    Revenge of Revan
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Kotor1, Kotor2
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  1. Just a heads up, I started plugging away on the new files you sent me, getting the lines for drayen organized and edited as needed. I talked to my sound engineer and he said he should be able to give me the proper files today or tomorrow (finally), even though they are just samples, and we will be re-recording them... its just a few files to pop in for the beta as placeholders.


    I am hoping to get more done on the recordings this weekend. Our goal is to first nail down the sound we are going for on one or two lines, as that will give us a template to apply to further tracks. Once we have a couple the way we want, we send to you, and if you like it... we proceed with getting larger chunks done.

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