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    East Coast
  • Occupation
    Future Game Designer
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    Revenge of Revan
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Kotor1, Kotor2
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  1. Well, it is going a little better now, heh :p


    First, I tested out the result from our last recording session, and again, they were awful. I don't know if it is the software he uses, or if it is the editing he is doing... but something was ruining the tracks... I mean, they sounded better as just raw tracks.


    I thanked him for his help, but went back to doing it myself. Which brought me to my 2nd issue. I had just upgraded to Windows 7, and my recording program, Audacity, was an older version that works on with XP but not 7. So, I had to install the new beta version, and then redo all my settings manually (no import feature made me sad :()


    Anyhow, I got that done and I think I got some pretty decent tracks of the lines for the 1st scene with Drayen. I think they ought to be loud enough, and I exported them as .wav files this time.


    I emailed them to you in a 7-zip archive. It is a 13+ MB file!


    Let me know if I need to tweak or redo anything with them, hope you enjoy :)

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