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Wedge Suron

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  • Biography
    Ask and find out.
  • Location
    Commanding the Justice
  • Interests
    Writing all kinds of stories, not just Star Wars
  • Occupation
    IT assistant
  • Current Game
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Star Wars KOTOR
  • Resolution
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  1. Hi. I don't have access to the admin control panel as s-mod so I can't change it. You made the request on a weekend. This is a very busy month for many people with proms, graduations, and jobs. Please be patient. One of the admins will get to it when they can. It can take up to a week or more if everyone's swamped.


    Please remember the following rule:

    5. Do not nag at the administrators. - Believe it or not, all the staff here at LF are volunteers, meaning we do not get paid for what we do. It also means we have lives outside of LF. So do not get snippy if we do not get to your name change right away. Chances are, one of us will come along and get to it in a timely fashion. Being petulant and saying things like "omg, it's been twelve hours, why isn't my name changed yet" will not get your request processed any faster; in fact, it may very well hold up the process. So please, do be patient.

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