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Wedge Suron

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Everything posted by Wedge Suron

  1. And if I'm honest... I'M BORED!! I've beaten around all my games again.

  2. If you like Age of Empires, you'll like C&C. They're the same genre.

  3. I'm waiting for C&C RA3 to come out, end of the month.

  4. I can't get past the first boss on the Wii.

  5. Just listening to Section 31 files.

  6. I really don't like when people say you have a destiny.

  7. I have a really bad headache.

  8. Woah... A lot of posts been made here since I last posted on this.

  9. I'm listening to the Section 31 Files. They're quite nasty.

  10. I haven't posted in ages.

  11. You've been silent, what's going on?

  12. What about my Story points.

  13. Please speak on my profile too.

  14. BORED!!


    Barely anyone is posting on my forums, my Star Wars Story streak isn't interesting to me anymore.

  15. What did you mean about the ticket?

  16. Sorry, Peder.


    Do you like star trek or pokemon?

  17. Hey Peter, what's going on? You said a month, it's been three.

  18. Do you like Star Trek Peder? I have a RP site for it here:




    As ever you have to register.

  19. It's nothing to do with this site I know that much, just it won't work.

  20. No, why?


    Mine is that my c and d Drives aren't showing up, so I can't add mods.

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