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Personal Information

  • Biography
    Chloe O'Brian and Cameron Phillips fanboy. I am a high school student. People tell me that I'm quirky. I like reading, writing, drawing. Sometimes I have a short attention span - oooh look, a beetle!
  • Location
    Fighting for TSCC
  • Interests
    Uhh...things and um stuff, yes I'm very into stuff.
  • Occupation
    gamer, student and part time pain in the ass
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Kotor 1
  • Resolution

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  1. Can't you just see it? A documentary titled: "Atris - A nightmare?"


    I always hated Spanish, Spain, the food from Spain. I can't stay there a week, nevermind 5. :lol: I hate being in those kind of places for too long - I go insane, get bored, resort to the computer - a girl needs excitement in her life!


    And I know what you mean :) this fic, if we go through with it, is going to be awesome. I can just picture it all. ee. :^: What characters are you writing for? Atton, Dustil...


    bleh, dodgy foreign keyboards - there's always symbols that don't make sense, and the shift button may as well not be there...

    I've been good. :) Had a mid-teen crisis :lol: 16 is such an annoying age, ey? ps. our birthdays are close to each other! Just thought I'd say.

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