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  • Biography
    Chloe O'Brian and Cameron Phillips fanboy. I am a high school student. People tell me that I'm quirky. I like reading, writing, drawing. Sometimes I have a short attention span - oooh look, a beetle!
  • Location
    Fighting for TSCC
  • Interests
    Uhh...things and um stuff, yes I'm very into stuff.
  • Occupation
    gamer, student and part time pain in the ass
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Kotor 1
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  1. Ah, Fraiser - yeah, the accents on there are a little posher than mine. I'd say the closet is the old mans, but he sounds more common XD You should hear the really thick ones, you heard of chavs? If not, google the word, and prepare youself :lol: they're tainting Britain! They're like the dark side... honestly.


    lmao France tried to blame America on rise in weight?! God, people say the French are stupid, but I just thought that was taking the mick. I suppose America got through security, didn't ask the French government, and started building over land that belonged the France without anyone saying anything... yeah... I hate people who blame others for their own mistakes!


    Aw sure I'll do a picture or two. Just pm me, and I'll get to work on it. ^^ I've been meaning to draw some tombs for Marius_Fett, but I've not been in the mood yet. This might get me going again lol. And I find pictures really do help people to visualise the person... I can't remember what descriptions you gave of the people, but I imagined the main character to look tall, slightly tan-ish (but only slightly) with dark brown hair. You know, the typical 'handsome' look?


    I love Mission, she's hilarious. :^: I was redoing K1 on the Leviathan and the greatest quote emerged itself: "How come everytime you open your mouth to talk, the scent of rancor dung comes out?" I wanted to high five the pixelated twi'lek lol.

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