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  • Biography
    Chloe O'Brian and Cameron Phillips fanboy. I am a high school student. People tell me that I'm quirky. I like reading, writing, drawing. Sometimes I have a short attention span - oooh look, a beetle!
  • Location
    Fighting for TSCC
  • Interests
    Uhh...things and um stuff, yes I'm very into stuff.
  • Occupation
    gamer, student and part time pain in the ass
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Kotor 1
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  1. Biology was my favourite science too - but not because of the lack of maths. Just because it's interesting. I've always been interested in people... I don't know how I wasn't certain of being a psychologist, to begin with!


    My friends are whimps. Our spin the bottle, making out took like 2 seconds... and I was like 'is that it?' someone nominated one of the boys who was best at kissing... but really, who can be judged on best kissing that lasts 2 seconds? *shakes head*


    Gina sounds pretty scary, how you described her! But also humourous in that sense. :] I wish I could write something. I've just been writing about a bipolar person, to get into depth in psychology. I felt like I was over-nerding myself the other day... and then I heard the nerdiest conversation EVER!! which convinced me I was quite the opposite. Haha.

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