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  • Biography
    Chloe O'Brian and Cameron Phillips fanboy. I am a high school student. People tell me that I'm quirky. I like reading, writing, drawing. Sometimes I have a short attention span - oooh look, a beetle!
  • Location
    Fighting for TSCC
  • Interests
    Uhh...things and um stuff, yes I'm very into stuff.
  • Occupation
    gamer, student and part time pain in the ass
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Kotor 1
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  1. Bleh, I know what you mean. The world needs some standards. Thing is my friend thinks he's a real stud because girls fancy him now (about 4 have fancied him in the past year). Which.. personally, isn't a lot. All are 2 years younger and fancy everyone. I know it's cruel, but me and everyone just laugh at his bigheadedness. :xp: Anyway, he deserves it - he keeps picking random girls over me his BEST FRIEND apparently. And would rather flirt with someone he'll never see again, than chill out with me. >_> grrrr


    My friends all have their weird sides, but what's annoying is that they pretend to be 'normal'. One thinks everyone else is closed minded because she "can't be weird"... which is weird cause she's closed minded for thinking so! lol. One of them lies about who he's had sex with (he's still a virgin lolol) and one hates everyone, even though she's assuming things. Really, I should star in my own TV show. :)


    I've lost my voice >_> it's so annoying. I'm used to talking to myself, but I can't even do that now! lol. I'm not crazy.


    I don't want to do weed... just try it. :xp: it says if you take it too much it makes you paranoid and can show traces of schizophrenia... but i'm not THAT into trying it. Drinkings always good, and I NEED that ID. ;) if I don't get it my life is over. Ok, it isn't, but still.

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