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Status Updates posted by Yatsookey

  1. well the voice actor is doing his lines and only loh has contact with him, and i cant talk to loh, thats the only dilemma i see however but otherwise hes not really a "clown" so to speak he's just insane

  2. sorry i havnt updated in a while been very busy when we get back to school on jan 4 ill prolly have a new update for time shift

  3. loh come to TH? im finally able to get on the comp again

  4. yeah ive got this month pretty much free so ill log on hssiss and we can discuss some things.

  5. hey JM glad you asked, i need you to record a few new lines we have for treyfus you dont mind do you?, details in the email i sent you

  6. yeah go ahead if that doesnt work we can always audacity it


    oh hop on TH for a bit i feel like talkin

  7. Hey, you told me to get on lol im waitin on you now bud

  8. happy b-day little late canderis srry bout that but i have been grounded lately sooo

  9. Come to Hss when you get the chance

  10. I took a look at the module and i truly cant find any issues with the files, i even recompiled it but the npcs will still not appear, sorry i couldnt find the solution calo, best of luck fixing it though

  11. i saw doors and thats about it

  12. wtf was that about?

  13. still busy with stuff, senior projects....school you know how it is, i should be back to my regular schedule sometime during or after winter.

  14. good to hear something worked but still need to get npc's up, ill try to compile again

  15. Wasnt planning on it :)

  16. So im totally alive and back with a vengance XD

  17. hey calo i tried it again this time it worked, im running it on vista on my main comp, tested on my 7 laptop and it also worked ok, is your kotor a clean install? maybe something is conflicting with yours?

  18. I do, and i am still very busy with stuff, when i come back things will move much faster.

  19. LoH please check your lord anaka email its important

  20. yeah there is a door

  21. its not for me to decide canderis, ill try to talk them into it but they'd prolly wanna see some calidarian weapon renders first show me a few renders, and ill bring them to the team and see what they say

  22. im already working on the files for the characters and trying to merge the script at the same time once the script is done i will email it to u so u know how this is going to go down kk

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