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Cyborg Ninja

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    With Legion and Tali
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    Team Fortress 2
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  1. Well, Cyborg, I'm back:D


    Okeedoke, what has happened...


    Alright, in the very beginning, Vladimir Rosokosvski{my character} accidently invented a virus capable of transforming a human being into a creature of horrifying proportions, the zombies. He tried his best not to let the virus be released, but his Soviet Commanders liked it, and created a few Nuclear missiles that were armed with the virus. They were unable to use them, as the USSR fell in 1990, but 19 years later, ex-Soviets sold 3 of these 'virus nukes' to terrorists in the Middle East, who used it on America. The virus spread quickly, and the US found itself engulfed in a fight for it's life. However, in the infected zones, there were still bands of survivors {Chevron's character, Jedi_Man's character} and isolated military groups {ForeverNight's character} who fought on, despite the horde. ----continued

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