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Cyborg Ninja

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    With Legion and Tali
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    Team Fortress 2
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  1. -----There is also a Unit of Russian Special Forces, led by Vlad, their mission was to destroy the virus, and cover-up any evidence that led back to the Motherland.


    Well, anyways, somehow, the survivors, soldiers, and Russians, band together, and through a long and bloody advance against the zombies in Chicago, they reach the center of the city, where they plant a nuclear weapon. You see, the Zombies are all connected to a hive mind, and if enough zombies are wiped out at the same time, then the Hive Mind would die, taking nearly all of the zombies with it. They blow up the nuke...and then..we reach where we are:D


    That's just a bare summary, so you should look at the original RP for more specific reference.

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