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    I regard knowledge as potential energy. It is power, but one must recognize that power is only a means and not an end.
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  1. Oh, God, I picked the worst possible time to go to Spain! :xp: I just started my fic and now this great idea comes out of the blue. I would love to help in any way I can. We all have different writing styles so if we combine our talents we should be able to write one hell of a fic. I never tackled the "KOTOR III" fic idea because I thought it was too big for one person, but I would love the group effort.


    Even if I manage to sneak on the computer to chat (which I'm technically not supposed to do) I won't be on for hours at a time like I am here in the states. So if we do decide to go through with this and start while I'm abroad - just pm me ideas, the parts you and Burnseyy have written, and things you would like me to work on. If I don't get back to you and Burnseyy, I'm not ignoring you...just can't get to a computer. I'm going to be in Santander, in northern Spain. It's kind of secluded so I'm not sure how many internet cafes are there. :xp: My laptop is busted, so I can't even use that. Hopefully I'll figure somthing out, cause this is a great idea and don't want to miss out. :)


    Also if you could tell Burnseyy to read this as well, I would appreciate it.



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