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    I regard knowledge as potential energy. It is power, but one must recognize that power is only a means and not an end.
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Newbie (1/14)



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  1. Things are going good now that I have that monstrocity of a chapter typed and out of the way. :D I'm finally over my jet lag, got my projects done, and am just going to relax and write for the rest of the week. School starts next Wed though :(. Fred (my dog) got into my bag of gummy bears. I use the sugar to keep me going while I type late at night, and he ate them all. Pig. :xp:


    Funny story how I got my name actually. When I was 14 I went to a party. Well I love pie, so I started eating the pies that were there. (Yes I used to be quite the fatass, but I have since discovered the gym.) I don't know if you have ever gotten the "high" feeling after eating way too much food? Well I did. I joined the KOTOR forums on Bioware that same year. My friends, that were at the party, kept bringing up how I got "high" off pie. So when I was choosing a name for Bioware, I picked High On Pie then my age - 14. When I joined Lucas forums I decided to use the same name. Then I figured out that I could abreiviate and just say "HOP." A long rather dull story I know, but thats how I got my name. I assume you picked yours because Yuthura is your favorite character?



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